
HK medical reform - more skeletons falling out of the cupboard?

How opportune that so soon after our analysis (see here and here) highlighting that the whole problem with the HK medical establishment is its own conflict of interest with the people, that the article below appears to throw up evidence that supports our analysis. Here are some of extracts:

--------begin extract--------


... 據《眾新聞》報道,醫管局花 $2億聘「炒散」護士,食衞局前局長高永文任董事公司中標袋 $1 億

...香港政府已經給了醫管局 600 多億、28,000 張床和 76,000 名員工,醫管局卻年年說不夠錢、不夠人。



--------begin extract--------Without proper reform of the power structure top down, the rotten situation will cured

