
20190914 iMoney 封面故事_Cover Story 最壞時刻剛開始

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過去3 個月,社會運動不斷,中美貿易戰升溫,本港經濟明顯轉差,備受內外負面因素夾擊的樓市已現疲態,樓價回軟。中原城市領先指數(CCL)最新報184.96 點,較6 月底的歷史高位190.48 點,目前樓價已回落約近3%。新盤開價明顯變得保守,不少二手放盤業主急急減價賣樓,大型屋苑劈價百萬元成交已成常態。特首上周宣布撤回《逃犯條例》修訂後,股市大幅反彈,二手交投也回升。

最近港府再積極力增土地供應,市傳港府正考慮引用《收回土地條例》徵收土地用作興建公營房屋,一手空置稅也於周五(13 日)刊憲。另一方面,銀行頻頻出手調減樓按優惠,樓市充斥好淡因素,祥益地產總裁汪敦敬指政治事件仍會影響樓價走勢,估計至農曆年底前樓價會再跌5% 至10%。而Bricks & Mortar Management 主席兼總裁王震宇又言樓市最壞情況只是剛開始。

今年初時,多間大行分析員一面倒轉軚看好樓市,有「星級地產分析員」之稱的Bricks & Mortar Management 主席兼總裁王震宇,卻維持看淡樓市,提醒市場經濟已現轉差的情況。最後樓市如他所料,過去數月樓市不利因素愈來愈多。是次王震宇接受本刊訪問,維持看淡樓市的預測,指中美貿易戰下,中國出口遷移至東南亞國家,本港的轉口利潤難免受害,失業率在明年更有可能上升至6%,更揚言樓市最壞時刻只要剛開始。



過去數月社會持續動盪,特首林鄭月娥上周四(5 日)宣布正式撤回修訂《逃犯條例》,市場憧憬樓市氣氛有望回暖,但王震宇坦言此舉對樓市完全沒有正面支持作用,「港人的信心不會因為撤回《逃犯條例》就可恢復,現在的情況是整體政治環境已急速向下。香港表面上可能是個有獨立關稅、擁獨立法治的城市,但實際上已變了質,不管是撤回《逃犯條例》與否,人們對香港已失去信心。」不過,他不排除當政治事件在之後得到解決,樓市氣氛會突然回升,但他提醒不能忽略整體經濟大環境轉差的因素。「從信心的層面來說,香港自1997 年後也沒有出現過現在那樣差的情況,這對營商環境來說是一個很大的打擊。」


據王震宇的研究,香港因轉口貿易而所獲利潤亦佔本地生產總值約14%,加上貿易及批發相關的就業人數(不包括零售),已佔本港就業人口的18%,可見依靠香港獨立關稅地位而生存的經濟板塊着實不小;如再計入零售業就業人數,本港28%的就業人數(約79 萬人)是靠這一本港獨特的政治身份維持生計。



隨着中美貿易戰久久未解決,愈來愈多內地企業將出口轉至東南亞國家,王震宇估計,如中國出口的五分之一因貿戰而遷移至東南亞國家,東南亞出口至美國貨物量的比重可能暴漲至中國的出口貨物量的72%;而香港超過50% 的轉口貨物都是以中國為來源地,本港的轉口利潤難免受害,每年損失兩個百分點的GDP 貢獻。屆時本地就業亦將受害,以非經濟學角度去簡單推算,兩成的生意跌幅,若導致兩成的從業員失業,本港失業率在2020 年底時, 有可能上升3.6 個百分點至6.6 厘,如屆時出口跌20%,失業率不排除會升至8.44%(現為2.9%)。

飯碗也「打爛」,這因素已可毀滅性地令佔勞動人口18% 的貿易批發業大量失業。因此,他強調這次經濟風暴實在不可小覷。



受到本地政治事件影響,王震宇認為本港「走資潮」已經出現,他指出,過去20 年香港的住宅成交中,有約20% 由內地人購入,當這批內地人發現香港環境出現「勢頭不對」的情況,便會拋售賣樓,對本港樓市而言是個很大的衝擊。綜合以上各大因素,他認為樓市最壞的情況只是剛開始出現。

對於樓價走勢,他直言「好難估」,「為受政策因素影響,如樓價下跌一至兩成,不排除港府會突然出招,或將按揭成數升至七成至九成,樓市一定會回復;但這些都是由人為控制的因素,故較難估計。」不過,他相信樓價於未來一至兩年跌10% 至20%,是「絕無問題」。


為自保同胞拋售 不問價港樓更傷


上文(見獨立地位成疑 經濟前景堪憂)分析本港因中美貿易戰或失去獨立關稅地位而可能出現的經濟不景狀況,本文則由內地人拋售本港物業角度去預測樓市可能出現的走資潮



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Doubts over “One Country Two Systems” to spark an emigration surge?

Posted on 13th September, 2019 Stand News ,

As discussed in earlier analysis (see How low will Carrie Lam's popularity fall? And HK's freedom ranking with it?, and its follow-up Carrie Lam - a most dramatic turn from 'Dream of reconciliation' to 'Nightmare of oppression'), the steady erosion of the public’s perception of freedom in Hong Kong may have reached a dangerous level as to impact their confidence to remain in the city for the long term. This alarming development will be analysed in the rest of this article in the context of trends in emigration figures and how this is impacted by the latest political developments.

One of the potential side effects of the extradition bill affair may be the United States revoking the US-HK Policy Act as a response to the perceived impingement of Hong Kong’s promised autonomy. The Act, passed in 1992, allows the US to treat Hong Kong separately from Mainland China on matters of trade and economics, provided Hong Kong is “sufficiently autonomous” to justify special treatment. If Hong Kong loses its privilege of being an “independent customs zone”, dire economic consequences could await the city – an aspect to be explored in a subsequent article.

Protests stoking emigration intent to record highs

Hong Kong may be about to witness over the next few years the biggest emigration rush since 1984. One of the best ways to quantify interest in emigration is tracking Google Trends through search frequency for the term “emigration” (in Chinese: “移民”):

Chart 1: Sharp spike in “移民” (“emigration”) Google search frequency

In the wake of the government’s tabling the extradition bill in May, search frequency doubled compared to end of 2018, and continued to rise in June as mass demonstrations persisted, then doubling again from May levels when street conflicts broke out in July.From the chart above, there seems to be a notable correlation between the various political events in Hong Kong and people’s interest in emigration:

a) After the government shelved the article 23 legislation which triggered the biggest demonstrations since handover, search frequency began a steady increase despite a strong rebound in property prices and the local economy. By the time CY Leung took office in July 2012 the reading was up 40% (see blue channel in Chart 1);

b) The umbrella movement triggered a second wave of interest in emigration, seeing search interest double by end-2018, indicating a further rattling of confidence in Hongkongers’ outlook for their own future (see green channel in Chart 1);

c) The anti-extradition bill saga has not yet ended, but interest in emigration exploded higher already, doubling from end-18 levels, and entering a much steeper new trajectory (see the red channel in Chart 1)!

Of course, search engine frequencies must not be conflated with the actual permanent outflow of residents. Perhaps not surprisingly, there seems to be a correlation between Public Sentiment Index (PSI) readings, a measure of government approval, to real emigration numbers from Hong Kong: in other words, low government approval ratings leads to higher emigration growth rates in subsequent years:

Chart 2: Arrows suggest likely rises on the number of emigrants?

It seems entirely possible that the recent collapse in the public’s confidence in the government could drive a quantum leap in the coming years in increased emigration numbers (similar to the jump from A to B after the Sino-British Joint Declaration, in Chart 2 above), and this time we might see a surge above an otherwise modest increase to D up to the 1984 peak levels – if not even higher – at E in the chart.

Emigration numbers following the Sino-British Joint Declaration doubled from 20,000 levels in 1984 to 40,000 in 1988, and then up another fold to a record high of 65,000 by 1992 (Chart 3). Today’s political events may lead even more people to flee from the erosion of the “One Country, Two Systems” arrangement in Hong Kong. A repeat of the 1980s emigration wave could easily see numbers rapidly rise from a few thousands of the past few years to tens of thousands witnessed during the prior peaks:

Fig 3: Emigration could jump to 90s record highs, if not above

Where do emigrating Hongkongers head for?

Chart 4 shows some of the most popular destinations of Hong Kong emigrants. The common characteristics of these locations include language spoken being English or Chinese, and a high degree of personal freedoms – all top 20 placed on personal freedom index rankings according to The Fraser Institute (except the USA).

Taiwan’s freedom rankings have seen major advances, jumping from outside the top-40 to 15th place in merely eight years, edging ahead of even the UK in the past two years (green line in Chart 4). As Taiwan’s personal freedom index ranking rose, its share of HK emigrants rose too, going from 6% in 2008 to 17% in 2017. If the relationship between a migration destination’s freedom and its popularity continues to hold, Taiwan will soon be amongst the top five destinations of Hong Kong emigration:

Chart 4: higher the personal freedom ranking, more HKer inflows?

Hong Kong’s ‘arch-opponent’ for the title of Asia’s premier financial centre, Singapore, should not be written off as a magnet for HK emigrants either. Although the Lion City still trails Hong Kong in the freedom rankings as of now, the dynamics have changed significantly over the past five years which saw Hong Kong fall 10 places, as Singapore rise by a massive 18 places in the rankings (blue line vs orange line in Chart 5). If current trends persist, Singapore could overtake HK in a very short period of time indeed:

Chart 5: HK’s personal freedoms in freefall, left behind by Taiwan in 2015. Singapore next to overtake?

Our earlier article discussed the real possibility of Hong Kong’s personal freedom ranking falling outside top-40 in 2019. But this is not the only indicator of a destination’s desirability, another useful barometer may be how popular a destination is with the wealthy global elite, whose movements provide the most honest vote of their intentions:

Table 1: Movements of the global wealthy in 2018

Source:Global Wealth Migration Review 2018 from AfrAsia Bank and New World Wealth
*Net HNWI inflows / HNWIs in receiving country
**Net HNWI outflows / HNWIs in sending country

The Global Wealth Migration Review 2018 (GWMR 2018) describes that when considering a destination, the global wealthy primarily consider factors such as safety, economic stability, freedom, and political stability. Table 1 suggests that countries with a net loss of wealthy individuals such as Turkey, Russia and China are those which lack these desired attributes. One anomaly in the table is the UK, whose rare net outflow of high net worth individuals may be explained by Brexit uncertainties and recent draconian tax laws that hit the wealthy particularly hard.

After the current anti-extradition turmoils, Hong Kong will no doubt lose some of its wealthy residents. The GWMR estimates Hong Kong’s wealthy to number some 235,700 in 2018, amounting to 3% of the total population. If migration rates do swell to peak levels seen in the 1980s, reducing the territory’s highly skilled individuals by 60,000 a year, Hong Kong will stand to lose the most productive and the brightest talent to foreign countries, much to the detriment of its long term prosperity.

The author would like to thank Shaun Cheung of The University of Hong Kong for assisting in data collection, analysis, and drafting this article.


獨立地位成疑 經濟前景堪憂


上文(見一國兩制受損 移民熱情升溫?)提到,香港近年自由度下跌,除了影響市民留港發展的信心,更會令香港貿易伙伴重新審視香港的自治狀態。本篇將分析本港自由貿易港地位在經濟層面的重要性,包括中美貿易角力及反送中浪潮下本港經濟發展所面對的下行風險。

轉口貿易存在 全賴獨立地位


























Will Shenzhen be the new Hong Kong?

In the wake of the recent Hong Kong protests, China announced an initiative to upgrade Shenzhen into a model of "high-quality development, an example of law and order and civilisation, as well as societal satisfaction and sustainability", raising speculation this to be a backup plan to position Shenzhen as the replacement Hong Kong.

This is something we do not expect to happen for quite a few years yet. And the FT's Lex column [see Hong Kong v Shenzhen: Central casting] agrees, saying that multinational companies will simply move their headquarters to Singapore:

"...Shenzhen lacks too many basics for multinationals to consider a move. There are concerns about the fairness and transparency of the legal system. The Chinese yuan is not convertible. Free movement of capital is not allowed. Even Chinese internet giant Tencent, which has its headquarters in Shenzhen, is listed in Hong Kong."

"Hong Kong’s higher credit rating and the special trading status granted under the US-Hong Kong Policy Act are big advantages. US tariffs do not apply to Hong Kong. China’s free trade zones have fallen short of expectations. Surveillance on foreign companies is increasing. Censorship is a concern."

"Singapore remains the only sensible alternative for more than 1,500 multinational companies in Hong Kong. For now, the main advantage Shenzhen has as a city is easy access to Hong Kong. Its understudy position is underlined rather than undercut by the recent surge in air traffic."

This echoes our comments on why loss of freedom in HK could lead to mass emigration [see here] as well as capital flight (article coming). In fact looking at China's various other Free Trade Zone (FTZ) initiatives of recent years, none of them seem to have undermined HK's position, and for similar reasons the FT cited above, for example:

- Shanghai FTZ, launched in 2013, targeting at becoming "an international financial centre by 2020", has seen banks exiting due to capital controls (source: Reuters);

- Qianhai Special Economic Zone, established in 2012, targeting at becoming "a key services centre in APAC district, playing a vital role in modern global services arena, and an important base for global services trade by 2020", may have now been absorbed into the even more ambitious Greater Bay Area initiative (source: Wiki).

All of this tells us that instead of worrying about Shenzhen, HK must preserve its current free and independent legal and governance infrastructure if it is to compete with Singapore for global business and talent. Once it loses its core values, HK will become just another second-tier Chinese city with half the land area and population of Shenzhen.