

上一系列文章已分析區域鏈及加密貨幣為市場帶來的顛覆性的影響。(原文見:港府打壓頻仍 加密貨幣業出走他方(新經濟系列三)

就連風馬牛不相及的畜牧業亦不例外:美國懷俄明州北部已有農民利用區域鏈科技優化肉牛供應鏈,為高品質牛種之品質/來源地提供鐵證,增加牛隻銷量及單價。今年三月,該地政府正式通過加密貨幣有關法案《111號法案豁免加密貨幣於的財產稅,並將數字貨幣定義為新的資產類別,簡化加密貨幣在該州的區塊鏈技術使用,方便企業投資相關技術;結果,在近期已有超過200間相公司在當地成立,勢成為懷俄明州繼能源、旅遊、農業之後的第四大經濟支柱(原文見:金融時報之:《Wyoming’s pioneering crypto cowboys beef up the supply chain》)


The previous article on Blockchain and Crytocurreny has mentioned its significant effects on the market. (see: 港府打壓頻仍 加密貨幣業出走他方(新經濟系列三) )

Even the ranch is now using Blockchain: On a ranch in northern Wyoming, a ranch owner use Blockchain to prove the quality of their cattle. It can help to capture and preserve value along every single step of the supply chain, thus boosting the price and sale of the products. In March, the laws of exemption of Crytocurrenies from taxation have been passed by the state legislative, as well as defined Cryptocurrency 'utility tokens' as new asset class. This move not only simplified the usage of the Blockchain technology, but also facilitated the investment of the associated technology. After that, around 200 new companies have registered in Wyoming in recent months.  Wyoming wants technology to be a fourth pillar of its economy behind energy, tourism and agriculture. (see: Financial Times: Wyoming’s pioneering crypto cowboys beef up the supply chain)

Hong Kong government has does nothing on developing Blockchain technology. On the contrary,  spending a lot of money on those with a vested interest. For example: The Lok Ma Chau Loop, Innovation and Technology Venture Fund, Greater Bay Area to mention but a few. Nowadays, Blockchain technology has been widely used in financial world. Hong Kong should learn from Wyoming. let the flexible private companies grow and develop without intervention. Otherwise, there would be nothing but white elephant.

