
5 research/analysis pieces critical of the Vaccine / Lockdown narrative

1) The meaningless meaning of 'COVID Cases' by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

Each day, we're bombarded with reports and news of more "COVID-19 cases", whatever that term means...


2) Dr. Simone Gold: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Simone Gold :

- there are proven effective treatments for COVID-19 that the media is ignoring

- fraudulent Lancet retraction that maligned HCQ as a cure to covid 

- mRNA vaccine approach already failed in 2012 on covid-1 (current episode is covid-2)

- pharma firms are immune from all legal liabilities - no incentive to be careful with safety of vaccines they develop/sell

See full video


3) 181 Dead in the U.S during 2 week period from experimental COVID injections

- The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

-The date covers 7,844 cases, including 181 deaths.


4) Yet another study shows - Yet again - That lockdowns don't work 

- Countries that have implemented harsh lockdowns shouldn't expect to have comparatively lower numbers of covid-19 death per million.

 -In Italy and UK, where lockdowns have been repeatedly imposed, death totals per million remain among the worst in the world

- In the US, States with the harshest lockdown rules — such as New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts are among the States with the worst total deaths

- No clear, significant beneficial effect of lockdowns, more restrictive lockdown measures pointed to worse outcomes


5)  全民禁足「指日可待」羅耕

極端防疫措施致餓死多於病死,所言非虛。爆疫一年,據報死於此疫的百多人,當中不少是七老八十,此疫有幾關事仍未可知。 食肆收益一年半跌46% 不過,一年死於自殺的已近千人剛好6倍於疫情死的,當然各有原因,但難道當中沒因倒閉、失業等疫情因素作祟? 縱不餓死,食肆營業受限制已搞到無啖好食。其實,一家人同枱 ...

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