
Crypto / SGP - example of the big West to East shift

Career politicians in the ever business hostile West want to protect you:

Enough ‘Feeble Warnings’, Regulate ‘Wild West’ Crypto Market: UK Lawmakers
This is the conclusion following a formal inquiry launched by the UK’s Treasury Select Committee, a powerful group of cross-party MPs, into cryptocurrencies: “The introduction of regulation should be treated as a matter of urgency”.


On the other side of the world, to where the future global financial centre will no doubt shift, seem to see this development as an opportunity to steal what lunch is left on the West’s table:

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)… believes that no tokens it has seen need to be regulated under its securities lawsregulators like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission… can be expected to come to a different conclusion.

This is a trend that is emerging globally where all the Western governments are choking to death business vitality (FATCA/MIFID/GDPR/AML, etc) whilst the East watches this self-immolation with glee… Singapore is the prime jurisdiction to benefit, and this is another reason why we like it for property investing; sorry but HK is not longer such a nimble winner in this game, because it is ruled by career civil servants who are no better than the politicians in the West.

How sad but how inevitable!


iMoney 567期封面故事 “樓市轉勢?入市部署4訊號” 的訪問

載於《HKET iMoney雜誌567期》 (1 September 2018)

本港樓市連升多個月後,多間大行發表唱淡樓價的報告。Bricks and Mortar主席兼總裁王震宇在iMoney 567期封面故事 “樓市轉勢?入市部署4訊號” 中接受訪問: “王震宇先生認爲,樓市有機會已出現轉勢,他指出樓價已上升近15年,升幅已有長時間,目前樓市已經到一個臨界點。他表示,現時樓市最大的不利因素有三,分別為一、經濟見頂;二、息口上升;三、樓價過高【應爲:政策風險極大】.”

With Hong Kong property prices reached new highs, a number of analysts have turned more bearish. In the latest cover story in iMoney Magazine, Mr Wong is quoted to have 3 concerns home buyers should be aware of going forward: 1) we are at the peak of the current economic cycle; 2) potential rapid rise in interest rates; 3) continued policy risks distorting property market.