
iMoney 567期封面故事 “樓市轉勢?入市部署4訊號” 的訪問

載於《HKET iMoney雜誌567期》 (1 September 2018)

本港樓市連升多個月後,多間大行發表唱淡樓價的報告。Bricks and Mortar主席兼總裁王震宇在iMoney 567期封面故事 “樓市轉勢?入市部署4訊號” 中接受訪問: “王震宇先生認爲,樓市有機會已出現轉勢,他指出樓價已上升近15年,升幅已有長時間,目前樓市已經到一個臨界點。他表示,現時樓市最大的不利因素有三,分別為一、經濟見頂;二、息口上升;三、樓價過高【應爲:政策風險極大】.”

With Hong Kong property prices reached new highs, a number of analysts have turned more bearish. In the latest cover story in iMoney Magazine, Mr Wong is quoted to have 3 concerns home buyers should be aware of going forward: 1) we are at the peak of the current economic cycle; 2) potential rapid rise in interest rates; 3) continued policy risks distorting property market.

