
旅館條例無新意 規管民宿紓或堵?



早在今年223日的《港府故步自封 新經濟冇運行》一文中,筆者已經闡述Airbnb在香港與紐倫星等先進城市在待遇上的不同,證明了港官在共享經濟思維已是史前動物,遠遠落後於其它國際城市。香港政府無視法制創新,反助既得利益者打壓新興競爭的做法,不單使香港在新經濟大放異彩的大時代束手待斃,亦令有志于新業態的投資者及經營者心死。

The Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation (Amendment) Bill 2018 was submitted to the Legislative Council for first reading last week. At the same time, a survey commissioned by Airbnb revealed that 77% of the 800 Hong Kong residents interviewed wanted the Legislative Council to veto the amendments.

A Home Affairs Bureau spokesperson said, "The Bill seeks to improve the existing licensing regime, facilitate enforcement actions and enhance deterrence against unlicensed hotels and guesthouses." As a result, B&Bs in Hong Kong are expected to face stricter regulations in future. However, the market has widely questioned the government’s emphasis on strict compliance with no heed paid to a changed environment due to innovations. A scholar at the CUHK advocated the government to adapt to new economic reality and amend regulations to accommodate the sharing economy, rather than persecute it.

Your author has analyzed the varying fates of Airbnb in New York, London, Singapore and Hong Kong in an earlier article, highlighting how far the governance mindset in Hong Kong has lagged behind other global cities. The government is demonstrating by action that it favours vested interests and protects them from emerging competition. Is it any wonder that more people sense the ever slipping technological advantage that Hong Kong has enjoyed, and that the city is slipping ever further behind in the era of innovation? 

