
政府重增居屋折扣 再次好心做壞事 Govt hiking HOS discounts raises moral hazard



其實早於20147 居屋政策 好心做壞事》一文中筆者已作出深入分析,證明每當樓價高漲,政府面對政治壓力就會增加居屋折扣;可惜居屋折扣被增大時,往往亦是樓價見頂之刻!可憐本來在私人市場能力最弱的市民,卻因政府的煽動而在市頂購入居屋,再之後的跌市最有可能淪為負資產一族。


Last week, Hong Kong government has finally yielded to temptation, announcing a set of public housing policies including a higher subsidized discount on the price of home ownership scheme purchases and the introduction of the city’s first vacancy tax. 

The market commentaries that followed are far less optimistic of the effect of the new policy, for example, The Lion Rock Institution wrote in the Hong Kong Economic Journal that “such measures would make it harder for the needy to buy their homes as the perceived cheaper entry prices would attract way more applicants than normal, and create a false sense of demand… in the end, the beneficiaries of the policy may become victims trapped in a home when the market turns down. In addition, the proposed new vacancy tax has also been widely criticized for its ineffectiveness, and none has summed it up as succinctly as the HKEJ article as “this tax neither treats the disease nor its symptoms, and is launched purely to vent the discontent among the masses”.

Your author has written way back in July 2014 about this phenomenon in this article: 《居屋政策 好心做壞事》, showing that every time home price reached a peak, the government widened the discount levels of HOS. The immediate sad outcome of this policy is that the public with the least ability to afford a home would be incentivized by the government policy into buying a property right at the peak – also the time they ought to avoid entering the market.

Updated graphs and charts from the article above are being refreshed and will be posted here. It really is time to stop interfering in housing even more, and reverse course before the Hong Kong property market becomes another victim of planned economy dogma.

