
Two Very Important updates on why flu lockdowns may be overkill 20200910

Edit on 18-09-2020, additional link to doctor's comment on vaccine, see (3).

We have come across two important updates on the flu lockdown which are significant enough to warrant sharing in a separate post (normally we only publish research analysis that are our own work):

1) Death rate due solely to covid is much lower than advertised
CDC says only 6% of death this year is due solely to covid (link here) - this throws into question the rationale for the draconian measures we see all around the world:

2) A very well put together scientific/statistical debunking of the lockdown narrative - a must watch:

Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained!


3) Edit on 18-09-2020

Given the mounting evidence such as above datapoints against the lockdown narrative, and rising suspicion amongst the populace that something might be not quite right, it is not surprising to see more comments / actions such as these in recent days/weeks:
a) Demanding resignation of health officials who trashed HCQ treatment:

The jury is in on Hydroxychloroquine – ‘it saves lives’: Rowan Dean

b) German state starting to backtrack on earlier harsh flu policy:

c) hundreds of thousands of people marched against the lockdown in Berlin (if you didn't hear of it, it is because the pro-authority media blocked the news out):

d) people starting to rebel elsewhere:

If the above evidence make you also question the mainstream narrative, here is a handy summary of all the postings we have published on the topic since the beginning of the outbreak:

1. 新冠全面封城,政府過敏反應? 20200819

2. Another draconian lockdown in HK; another over-reaction? - 20200727

3. Are you ready for the '2nd wave' of the flu? - 20200710

4. Doctors recommend lifting lockdown (and other perspectives on the flu) - 20200427

5. 10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic - 20200331

6. 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic - 20200330

7. Which one is scarier: TB, the flu, or Conoravirus? - 20200316

Should you think something needs to be done about the situation, please feel free to share this post far and wide so we can return to normal earlier.

